Diversity & Inclusion

At TARC, we believe diversity and inclusion is more than a box to check or a target to hit. While the numbers are important, the results of our diversity and inclusion efforts are one of the bedrocks of our organization.
At TARC, we believe everyone — our riders, our employees and our fellow citizens — deserves respect and equal treatment. We do not tolerate intimidation, verbal, physical or sexual harassment, abuse, or violence of any kind on our vehicles or in our workplace.
We believe in order to provide our services effectively and efficiently to everyone in the Louisville Metro region, we need a workforce and supplier base with diverse backgrounds and experiences that reflect everyone in the Louisville Metro region.

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is the focal point for all civil rights, Title VI, and affirmative employment functions at TARC. We work to ensure everyone — regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, cultural background, socioeconomic status, or religious beliefs — has equal access to TARC’s programs and services and is treated fairly and with respect.
If you believe you have seen or experienced something that conflicts with the stated beliefs above, we encourage you to reach out to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to issue a complaint. All complaints will be thoroughly investigated and addressed. If you require assistance completing the form, or would like a full copy of TARC’s Title VI policy and complaint procedures, call (502) 585-1234 or (502) 213-3240 (TTY users) or email diversityinclusion@ridetarc.org.
Supplier Diversity – Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
On an annual basis, TARC establishes goals for the participation of a disadvantaged business in its procurement process. For federal fiscal years 2020, 2021, and 2022, the DBE goal is 11 percent.
For full information on our commitment to supplier diversity, please click the button below.