Plans and Projects

TARC Tomorrow: Planning today for a better journey tomorrow
TARC is developing a long-range plan for the future of public transit and mobility in the Louisville region–we call this TARC Tomorrow. Our plan includes six “Big Ideas” that provide the framework for TARC to move forward. To learn more click here.

TARC Customer Experience Survey
Customer feedback is critical for TARC to understand and address service concerns and priorities. In an effort to improve TARC services, we conducted our first annual Customer Experience Survey in early 2023.
With more than 400 respondents, the survey provided TARC with valuable information about customer demographics, purpose and frequency of use, and impressions of service.
Results show that customers are satisfied in many areas:
- 78% of customers feel safe riding the bus
- 83% feel that the bus routes are conveniently located
The survey also identified areas where improvement is needed:
- 37% of customers feel the bus stops are clean
- 56% of customers are satisfied with on-time performance
Overall, 71% of customers are satisfied with TARC service. TARC is focused on improving the customer experience over the next year with a series of action plans to make tangible service improvements in several targeted areas.

Zero Emission Bus Transition Plan
The Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Transition Plan provides a roadmap for the conversion of the Transit Authority of River City (TARC) bus fleet to zero-emission vehicles over the next 15 to 20 years. This transition plan evaluated both FCEB (fuel cell electric bus) and BEB (battery electric bus) technology for adoption at TARC and proposes several scenarios for transitioning to these technologies. This Transition Plan identifies a path forward in terms of recommended types of ZEBs, what infrastructure is needed to support ZEBs, how ZEBs can be phased in, and what the implications are in terms of capital and operating costs. To view the full plan, click here.

Title VI Plan 2022
TARC puts forth every effort to ensure nondiscriminatory transit transportation in support of our goals to provide a safe, secure, and reliable transit system that ensures the efficient mobility of people, thereby enhancing both the quality of life and the economic vitality of the communities TARC serves.
As set forth by the Title VI and its nondiscrimination authorities TARC is committed to do the following:
- Ensure that the level and quality of transit service and transit amenities are provided without regard to race, color, or national origin
- Identify and address, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects, including social and economic effects of programs and activities on minority populations and low-income populations
- Promote the full and fair participation of all affected populations in transit decision making
- Prevent the denial, reduction, or delay in benefits related to programs and activities that benefit minority populations or low-income populations
- Ensure meaningful access to programs and activities by persons with limited English proficiency

Micro Mobility Transit Study
The Micro Mobility Transit Study evaluates how the Transit Authority of River City (TARC) can use Mobility on Demand (MOD) strategies to offer customers improved quality of service and extend the reach of its network to suburban areas where fixed route service is currently limited or absent.
This study explores and evaluates innovative transportation options to improve connections between TARC’s fixed-route bus network and the suburban and exurban destinations in Louisville Metro and surrounding counties. To learn more click here.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE): Federal
Fiscal Year Goals for 2023, 2024, and 2025
FTA recipients, such as TARC, expected to award more than $250,000 in FTA funds in prime contracts (excluding transit vehicle purchases) in a Federal fiscal year are required to set a three-year goal for DBE participation in accordance to 49 C.F.R. § 26.45(a); click here to read TARC’s fiscal year goals for 2023, 2024, and 2025.

TARC Comprehensive Operations Analysis (COA)
A healthy transit network is critical not only for the riders who depend on that service every day, but also to foster the continued growth and change that communities experience.
The focus of this COA project is to evaluate the current system and develop a range of improvements to help meet the changing transit needs in the greater Louisville region. It examines existing transit services and identifies opportunities for improving system efficiency and effectiveness. It is a planning level tool used to develop potential near-term operational changes to help deliver more effective and useful service to the community. To learn more click here.

TARC Agency Safety Plan
TARC is committed to providing a safe and secure work environment. Our employees are critical to the success of that commitment and play an important role in protecting our team, our customers, and our property. As TARC often provides the first impression of our region to many residents and visitors each day, we place a high priority on upholding this commitment to ensuring the care and well-being of our customers. To learn more click here.

TARC Equal Employment Opportunity Plan
TARC is deeply committed to adhering to the ideas, doctrines, and practices of equal opportunity and affirmative action in all employment area. TARC values, appreciates, and understands the need for cultivating a qualified diverse workforce that aligns with TARC’s strategic goals, business objectives, and the Authority’s mission and values. TARC’s development and implementation of an EEO/AA Plan will fulfill the requirements set forth by the FTA as well as develop strategies to leverage diversity by creating an environment where employees and applicants feel supported and that their voices are heard. To learn more click here.

Transit Design Standards Manual
As the local public transit provider in the Louisville region, the Transit Authority of River City (TARC), has developed the Transit Design Standards Manual to encourage the coordination of local development and transit service. This manual serves as a reference to help local jurisdictions and the development community to accommodate transit within their development plans.
Although TARC deals primarily with transit needs within the public right-of-way, the agency encourages property owners and developers to consider the transportation needs of the site’s users when locating and designing buildings and amenities within a new or redeveloped site.
By providing the infrastructure, access routes, facilities, and amenities, a new development can help to make public transit an attractive and efficient mode of travel within the community. To learn more click here.