How to Ride

CODE OF CONDUCT – To help ensure everyone has a safe and smooth ride, please familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct.
PLAN YOUR TRIP – Plan the trip using the real-time trip planner, review real-time bus schedules or contact Customer Service at (502) 585-1234 for help and the latest schedule updates.
GET THERE EARLY – Please arrive at the bus stop a few minutes ahead of the scheduled time. Watches are not always set to the same time as the transit system and a few minutes difference could mean a missed bus.
HAVE YOUR FARE READY – Purchase a MyTARC card online at or one of the purchase and reload locations or have the exact cash fare.
BOARDING THE BUS – Wait at a posted Transit Authority of River City (TARC) bus stop sign or shelter. TARC buses will stop to pick up and drop off passengers only at posted bus stop signs along the bus route. The destination of each bus will be displayed on the digital sign above the front bus window. As the bus approaches, ensure the bus is the one you are waiting for. Wait for passengers who may be getting off before you get on.
As you board the bus, pay your fare by tapping your MyTARC card on the designated spot on the top of the farebox or by inserting the exact cash fare in the slots atop the farebox. After paying your fare, please sit in an available seat and remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. If seats are unavailable, please hold on to a handrail. Do not stand next to or ahead of the driver while the bus is in motion.
EXITING THE BUS – Approximately a block before your desired stop, pull the overhead cord or push the yellow strip between the windows to alert the driver. Collect all personal belongings and exit the bus through the rear door once the driver has come to a complete stop. TARC buses do not stop traffic. Please wait until the bus departs before crossing the street.
- If unusual or illegal activity is suspected, alert the driver immediately.
- Buses can make sudden stops; riders should be prepared. Be sure to take a seat and hold firmly to a nearby handle after paying the fare.
- Clear a safe walkway for fellow passengers by keeping belongings out of the aisle and folding up strollers after boarding.
What is ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA) gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to the Civil Rights of 1964, which provided individuals protection from discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. The ADA is a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The ADA guarantees equal opportunity and access for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, and transportation.
Making Public Transportation More Accessible for All
Thanks to the ADA, public transportation has become more accessible for seniors and citizens with disabilities. TARC strives to make public transportation more accessible, wherever life takes you.
TARC bus drivers announce all major street intersections and transfer points. They will announce special stops upon request.
Every TARC bus is equipped with a lift or ramp to assist riders using wheelchairs or anyone having difficulty boarding or exiting the bus. Drivers assist with boarding and securing wheelchairs. Priority seating is provided at the front of each bus for seniors and individuals with disabilities. Fares are reduced for people with disabilities and people age 65 and older with TARC I.D.
Accessible Buses
All TARC buses meet ADA requirements, offering wheelchair ramps and other features to accommodate riders with disabilities. By ADA standards and TARC policy, wheelchairs must be secured on buses. Seats near the front door are generally reserved for elderly and mobility-impaired passengers.
While all of TARC’s buses are accessible, please note that not all stops are accessible.