

Grants available through Federal 5310 program

June 8, 2022


Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities

Section 5310 Federal Program Funds

LEGAL NOTICE 5310-22-001

Notice is hereby given that the Transit Authority of River City (TARC) is seeking applications to award grant funds under the federal Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Section 5310 grant program, which provides federal formula funds for transportation projects that are planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable.

Eligible applicants must be: a private non-profit organization; or a state or local governmental authority; or an operator of shared-ride public transportation services. The majority of the transportation provided by the project must be within the Louisville Urbanized Area (which includes: Jefferson County, Kentucky; parts of Bullitt and Oldham Counties in Kentucky; and Clark and Floyd Counties in Indiana).

Funds available for distribution through this grant are FAST Act Section 5310 FFY 2022 funds ($1,279,884) and ARP Act FFY 2021 funds ($154,062) for a total of $ 1,433,946.

Applications will be reviewed by an impartial Selection Review Committee and will be competitively selected.

To apply for this grant, send an email with your name, organization, and phone number. Put “Request Application Form” in the subject line and send the email to:

For more information, email  or call 502-213-3361. 

Eligible applicants are invited to attend a Grant Information Meeting by video conference on Thursday June 23, 2022 at 10:00 am to learn about this grant and to get advice on filling out the application form. To receive a video link to attend this meeting, email  by June 22, 2022.

Questions about this grant will be answered until 5:00 pm EDT Friday July 15, 2022 by email to   

DEADLINE TO APPLY FOR THIS GRANT:  3:00 pm EDT Thursday July 21, 2022.

Applications must be submitted before the deadline.

Late applications may not be considered for funding.

TARC hereby notifies all grant applicants that, in regard to any agreement entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit grant applications, and no one will be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, disability, age, or national origin in consideration for an award.

TARC reserves the right to postpone, accept, or reject any and all applications and to waive any informality in the application process as TARC deems in its own best interest.