Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

The region’s first bus rapid transit route, TARC’s “Dixie Rapid” BRT (Route 10), runs every 15 minutes on weekdays and serves 37 distinctive BRT stops along the length of the Dixie Highway corridor and into downtown.
This BRT is part of Metro Louisville’s $35-million New Dixie Highway Project, aimed at reducing traffic congestion and improving service along one of TARC’s busiest corridors, connecting the Gene Snyder in Valley Station to downtown Louisville.
Features of the BRT include:
- 9 dedicated buses equipped with an onboard intelligent transportation system with traffic signal timing to reduce travel time
- Shelters and stops with digital screens offering real-time information, location, and alerts for buses to improve the rider experience
- TARC-designated queue-jump lanes and bus turnouts that make it safer and easier for buses to re-enter traffic after stops