TARC 25th Annual Design-a-Bus Contest entry form

TARC and Olmsted Parks Conservancy are calling for submissions to the 25th annual Design-a-Bus contest!

Local students are invited to submit artwork focused on the theme, “Cultivating Healthy Neighborhoods.” This year, students are being asked to visit their local park or an outdoor space, and think about ways they can improve the health of their community, then submit an illustration reflecting that idea or experience.

The 10 winning submissions by students will be featured on a custom TARC bus wrap reflecting this year’s theme and partner. The 10 winners, their adult guests, and the student’s teacher will be invited to the debut of the bus as it first begins service in the Spring of 2025. It will continue to operate on all TARC routes, and serve as the flagship bus for special events, and parades throughout the Louisville metro region for one full year.

This year’s entry deadline is Friday, March 14, 2025. Please submit artwork and complete the entry form below. For questions or additional information email designabus@ridetarc.org.

The Design-a-Bus contest is open to all elementary, middle, and high school students in Jefferson, Oldham and Bullitt counties in Kentucky, and Floyd and Clark counties in Southern Indiana.

Entries should be in marker, crayon, or paint at 11” x 17” on white paper, or created digitally with the same dimensions, and submitted as a JPG or PDF file. Entries will be judged on visual appeal, creativity, originality, and message. All artwork is to be produced by the student only. AI generated artwork is not allowed.

For a color flyer on this year’s Design-a-Bus, please click here.

For a black and white flyer on this year’s Design-a-Bus, please click here.

2025 Design-a-Bus Submission Form

Accepted file types: png, pdf, jpg, Max. file size: 64 MB.
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