
TARC presents annual Capital Program of Projects for public comment

January 27, 2022

TARC will host a meeting on Friday, February 4, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. via Zoom to present an annual Capital Program of Projects for public comment.

The purpose of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for members of our community to ask questions or to comment on our proposed projects. The projects will utilize Federal urbanized area formula funds apportioned to TARC during fiscal year (FY) 2022, for Sections 5307 and 5339. 

TARC is requesting an amount of $69,515,497 in total Federal funds projected to be available to the Louisville Urbanized area to carry out the following projects:

  1. Architectural and Engineering Services,
  2. Management Information System Equipment (Hardware and Software),
  3. Security Enhancements,
  4. Capital Maintenance,
  5. Non-Fixed Route ADA Paratransit Service,
  6. Capital Cost of Contracting Fixed Route Service,
  7. Operating and Capital Assistance for La Grange,
  8. Support Equipment,
  9. Purchase of Replacement Parts,
  10. Rehabilitation of Facilities, and
  11. Purchase of Replacement Buses.

All projects will be located in the Louisville Metropolitan area or the City of La Grange. 

No persons, families, or businesses will be displaced by any of these projects.  No significant environmental impact is expected from these projects.

Comprehensive Planning: The projects are in general conformance with the comprehensive land use and transportation planning of the area, and are included in the FY 2022 Annual Element of KIPDA’s Transportation Improvement Program and Unified Planning Work Program. 

Elderly and Disabled: The projects proposed to be undertaken by these grants include special services for the elderly and disabled of Louisville and Jefferson County.  A detailed description of these elements for these projects will be included in the grant applications.

TARC will afford an opportunity to private citizens, agencies, local officials and private transportation providers to be heard with respect to the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the projects. Interested persons may submit, orally or in writing, evidence and recommendations with respect to these projects. This proposed Program of Projects will be final unless amended. Click here to view the Program of Projects document.

To participate in the meeting, click on this link:

Meeting ID: 865 4023 2868

Passcode: 749771

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Please submit comments to and include “Capital Program of Projects” in the subject line.