TARC 2025 Study Process


TARC 2025: Moving Forward Together is a year-long collaborative process with our community designed to meet three key goals:

We are using a four-phase process to find the answers to these questions:

This phase of the study focuses on:

Examples of the maps and analysis of Existing Conditions for the TARC 2025 study.

Phase 2 focuses on:

  • Developing several conceptual options for restructuring TARC’s current service and network structure using information and data from the Markets & Needs Assessment
  • Sharing concepts with stakeholders and the public to prompt discussion about trade-offs, priorities, and goals
  • Using input received to refine the concepts and identify a preferred plan for implementation

This phase of development will focus on:

  • More detailed development of the preferred system plan
  • Sharing the draft plan with stakeholders and the public for review and comment – particularly from those who will be most directly impacted by the plan’s recommendations

Group Examining a Map

In Phase 4:

  • The final plan will be widely shared throughout the community
  • An implementation plan will also be developed to allow customers and other stakeholders to begin preparing for the upcoming changes
TARC Representatives at Booth


The TARC 2025: Moving Forward Together study began in February 2024. The release of the proposals on March 5, 2025 kick off a two-month period of public engagement until April 30.  Community feedback during the draft plan will help to guide TARC in making any changes to each proposal. After April 30, the TARC board will consider community feedback as they finalize proposals. The earliest that any redesigned network could be fully implemented is summer 2026.